Regulation 14 documents
Response Documentation
Public responses
You can read a redacted, text only extract of the responses1.24 MB received from members of the public and interest groups here. Note some responses are duplicated if we received them in more than one format
Informal Consultation Feedback Analysis Report: Reg_14_Feedback_Analysis_SummaryV2.pdf
Statutory Consultees and Land Supply Interests
Action for the River Kennet656.83 KB
North Wessex Downs AONB198.74 KB
Savernake Parish Council224.72 KB
Thames Water - Habitat Regulations Assessment191 KB
Thames Water - letter 05.03.2021332.63 KB
Thames Water - water response spreadsheet89.25 KB
Wiltshire Council - letter 08.03.2021450.56 KB
Wiltshire Council - Habitats Regulations Assessment323.61 KB
Wiltshire Council - Conservation Comments162.04 KB
18 January to 8 March 2021
Please read the draft plan, along with its supporting evidence, and let us know what you think
All comments, including questions about the plan, submitted in response to the consultation will be collated into a database and passed to the Steering Group once the consultation ends. We will of course respond to general enquiries throughout the consultation.
If you wish to learn more and ask questions while the consultation is ongoing please watch the video and/or try to attend online events. These will be publicised on the Consultation Introduction Page, the Town Council website home page and shared on the Town Council's social media channels.

Draft Plan
Draft Plan1.48 MB or
open as an accessible plain text versionMANP_Pre-Sub_November_2020_Final_accessible.txt135.58 KB
Pre submission plan - map showing potential development sites for affordable homes
Body of Evidence
Draft Site Assessment Report December 2020
Sustainability Appraisal for the MANP AECOM July 2020
Support Statement on Housing Proposals
Housing Needs and Requirements Study, Cobweb Consulting, May 2017
Affordable Housing Needs, Cobweb Consulting, June 2020 update
Marlborough and the Parishes Business Survey, Cobweb Consulting, April 2017
Marlborough Town Character Study, Sage Gray Architects Ltd, July 2020
Marlborough Conservation Area Statement, Kennet District Council, June 2003
Manton Conservation Area Statement, Kennet District Council, June 2003
Mildenhall Conservation Area Statement, Kennet District Council, June 2004
Marlborough Town Benchmarking Report, People and Places Ltd, January 2019
Car Parking Study, People & Places, September 2017
Open Spaces in MANP Parishes Steering Group Report (Working Documents)
North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan 2019-2024
Wiltshire Core Strategy adopted January 2015 and evidence base
Wiltshire Local Plan Review Consultations and evidence base
Download our information leaflet here

Click here to read a press release issued 22 February 2021
Do please fill in the required information, e.g. your postcode. This will help us to understand responses from people living within the MANP area as well as those who work or visit the area.
The consultation runs until 8 March and your comments will be passed to the MANP Steering Group and used to help review the draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Due to Coronavirus lockdown restrictions, the Steering Group is unable to hold face-to-face drop-in sessions. Two online Q&A sessions were held instead and the presentation given together with the answers to questions raised are on our Regulation 14 introduction page.
A Neighbourhood Plan is limited to land use. For example, it does not cover highways related matters.
It will not be possible to respond to each email individually or answer questions about the plan while the consultation is ongoing. The Steering Group will answer questions during its online event and FAQs will be added to the website as the consultation progresses.
If you have not already done so, you may like to watch a video outlining the scope of the Neighbourhood Plan (also known as the Pre Submission Document)
If you have already sent in your comments, but find that you wish to add further feedback after reading the documents in detail or attending the online session you may of course send in another response.
Wiltshire Council's consultation on its Local Plan is running too. This is a different, more strategic document, but will be influenced by our Neighbourhood Plan and this consultation.
This consultation runs from 18 January to 8 March
If you would like a hard copy of the Plan (or accessible versions of any of the body of evidence documents) or would like to comment by letter or need more information, please get in touch via the Town Clerk at Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan (MANP) c/o Marlborough Town Council, 5 High Street, Marlborough SN8 1AA or email or call 01672 512487 or 07593 584099