Governance & Policies
Scheme of Delegation
This sets out how the Committee Structure works, the Committees' delegated powers as well as the delegated authority of the Town Clerk
Code of Conduct
The Localism Act 2011 requires all Local Authorities to adopt a Code of Conduct setting out the standards of behaviour expected from local Councillors
Electronic Communications and Social Media
This policy covers the use of e-mail, websites, social media, and networking applications by staff, Councillors, partners or other third parties (including contractors and volunteers) when they are acting on behalf of the Council, and explains what the public can expect when using our platforms
Service Delivery Plan
The projects and proposals that Marlborough Town Council, sometimes in partnership with others, will develop and/or deliver during its 4 year term. The document will be subject to alteration and amendment and will inform the budget setting process
Community Awards
The Mayor's Community Awards are given annually to recognise the outstanding voluntary work, achievements, bravery or courage of individuals and groups in Marlborough
Complaints Procedure
If you are dissatisfied with the standard of service you have received from this council, or are unhappy about an action or lack of action, this sets out how you may complain and how we will try to resolve your complaint
Data Protection
The Data Protection Act 1998 aims to ensure that people know where their data is held, what it is used for and who it is shared with. It also ensures that an organisation treats people’s data correctly and has systems and controls in place for effective management of that data
Subject Access Request Procedure
The Town Council shall complete the following steps when processing a request for personal data (Subject Access Request or SAR)
Special Categories
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) require a policy document to be in place where special category data or criminal offence data are being processed under certain grounds
Data Breach
A data breach is defined as the compromise of information’s confidentiality, integrity, or availability which may result in harm to individual(s), reputational damage, detrimental effect on service provision, legislative non-compliance, and/or financial costs.
Data Retention
In line with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, the organisation will keep some forms of information for longer than others. Information will not be kept indefinitely unless there are specific requirements
Equalities Policy
Marlborough Town Council is committed to ensuring equality, fairness, inclusion
and good relations are at the heart of everything we do - be it employment,
policymaking or service delivery
Freedom of Information
As a local authority, Councils are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which gives people the right to access information held by or on behalf of public authorities
Grants Policy
Marlborough Town Council has the power to provide grants under its General Power of Competence (Localism Act 2011)
Grave Digging Management Policy for Adjacent Graves
This policy sets out the procedure for grave digging at Marlborough Town Cemetery with particular reference to burials taking place amongst other graves
Health & Safety
The Town Council has a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of our employees and others who may be affected by its activities
Investment Policy
This document sets out the Town Council’s policy for managing any
investments that it makes
Lone Working
This policy is intended to help the Council and its employees understand their obligations and provide advice in relation to lone working
Press & Media
Marlborough Town Council welcomes enquiries from the press and media and recognises that this relationship helps the Council to communicate with residents and community
Privacy Notice
Marlborough Town Council has a duty to ensure the security of personal data. We make sure that your information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, manipulation, falsification, destruction or unauthorised disclosure
Public Question Time
Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to come along to Council meetings. There is a period of 10 minutes set aside for Public Question Time just before the formal agenda starts when questions can be asked on any issue affecting the community
Recording of Meetings
Policy and protocol on recording, photography and use of social media at meetings
Register of Interests
Under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 all members of relevant authorities, including town and parish councils, are required to register their "disclosable pecuniary interests". The full Register of Interests is available on Wiltshire Council's website
Risk Management Scheme
This Risk Management Scheme aims to ensure that Marlborough Town Council protects its employees, assets, liabilities, reputation and community
against potential losses
The purpose of this policy is to outline the Marlborough Town Council's commitment to safeguarding and protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults who come into contact with the council or use its facilities or services.
Scheme of Publication
Our Model Publication Scheme sets out the information to be published and how to obtain the information
Training, Development & Appraisal
Marlborough Town Council recognises that its services are reliant on both its employees and councillors. It recognises there are a range of relevant competencies key to their roles. The Council is committed to ensuring its staff and councillors receive suitable, needs led training.