Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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{Play}Have your say on the draft Wiltshire Local Plan

Wiltshire Council has published the draft Wiltshire Local Plan for formal consultation.

The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure and land for employment growth for the next 15 years.  Once adopted, all planning applications will be determined against the Plan, making it the most important place-shaping document for Wiltshire.  The consultation period for the Wiltshire Local Plan began on Wednesday 27 September and ends on Wednesday, 22 November 2023.

The Local Plan and supporting documents are available to view and download at

There will be in-person events held across the county: 16 drop-in events at libraries and leisure centres and a live webinar-style event on Microsoft Teams.  Anyone can turn up to the drop-in events, but registration is required for Teams.

The drop-in session for Marlborough will take place on MONDAY 9 OCTOBER from 3pm to 7pm at Marlborough Library, 91 High Street, Marlborough SN8 1HD

The online event is on 10 October, 6.30-8pm.  Registration is required.

Please click here to find out other dates/locations for drop-in sessions and more information


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