Consultation - Proposed Toucan Crossing
At Salisbury Road, MarlboroughWiltshire Council is consulting on the installation of a proposed pedestrian crossing at A346, Salisbury Road.
The crossing is proposed to provide a safe controlled crossing location for those walking, cycling and wheeling across Salisbury Road. The crossing is located to link the walking, wheeling and cycle routes to the east and west of Salisbury Road as part of the developing Marlborough Town Cycle Network and fulfils a planning commitment relating to the Marlborough Grange development.
This proposal will be advertised in the Gazette and Herald on 29th August 2024 and the consultation period ends on 23rd September 2024.
Press notice:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Wiltshire Council in exercise of its powers under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 proposes the installation of a “TOUCAN” Crossing (an un-segregated crossing for pedestrians and cyclists) in A346 Salisbury Road, Marlborough, the centre of the crossing being at a point 22 metres north of its roundabout junction with Jennings Road.
A copy of the plan showing the location of the crossing may be inspected at the offices of Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge during normal office hours. Details of the proposed scheme may be seen at Marlborough Library, 91 High Street SN8 1HD between the hours of 2pm to 7pm Monday, 9.30am to 5pm Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am to 7pm Thursday and 9.30am to 1pm Saturday until 23rd September 2024. Documents can also be viewed online at
Comments on the proposal together with the reasons for which they are made should be sent in writing to reach the Sustainable Transport Group, by email to or via the website by 23rd September 2024 quoting reference LJB/TRO/MARL/HY296.
The works starting on the 2nd are related to the shared use path, with the Toucan crossing works following on in October.
Wiltshire Council Highways is required to advertise the extents of the controlled zone -i.e. the extent of the zig zag markings – associated with the crossing prior to completion of the scheme. This will ensure that all is in order should enforcement need to take place in the event that vehicles park on the zig zag markings etc. Ordinarily this would take place well in advance, however due to the legal processes involved with securing land agreements etc, we were unable to progress this before now. This has unfortunately compressed the timescale however the provision of a crossing has been part of the planning process so subject to previous consultation agreeing the premise of the crossing and its location.