Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Marlborough Market

{Play}We want your views!

At the Annual Town Meeting a member of the public raised a question about Marlborough market.

The Town Council doesn't operate the markets, they are run by the market team at Wiltshire Council, so we have no powers to make changes directly.  However, in June, recognising the value of the markets to residents and wishing to support the traders, at a Full Council meeting our Councillors discussed how best they can support the sustainable development of the market (you can read the minutes of the meeting here, the market item is on page 6).

Following that meeting a working party was formed to look at ways the Town Council can help support our much-loved markets to keep them thriving.  The first action it agreed upon was to ask traders and customers (or prospective customers) for their views. 

We are contacting traders directly, but for everyone else we have created a short survey to gather views from the public.  There are 11 short questions - the survey closes on 13 September.  Please take a few minutes to let us know your thoughts.

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