Avonline working in High Street
Information about High Street worksWe have received the following statement concerning Avonline Networks working on behalf of Gigaclear, carrying out works in Marlborough High Street starting 29 January.
"Avonline on behalf of Gigaclear will soon begin working to bring Gigaclear ultrafast full fibre broadband to the business and properties on Marlborough High Street.
During these works Avonline will be completing their excavation predominantly in the carriageway utilising a narrow workspace which won’t affect traffic flow but will result in some parking bays closest to the shops on the south side of the High Street being suspended. However, this will be a rolling suspension as site moves, and will be limited to 5-6 at a time. When the works are required to go into the footway an alternative walkway will be provided in the carriageway, but these works will be minimal. Access to shops will not be impeded and if works outside business is required it will be completed when these businesses are closed or only if access can be maintained to minimise disruption. This is a continuation of work begun last year, and will start approximately near Holland and Barrett.
The works will not affect the twice weekly markets or any planned town events. Anything excavated will be reinstated same day and site will be cleared at the end of every day to minimise disruption.
Letter drops and door knocks in advance of works commencing will take place advising of the works."
Any enquiries should be directed to:
Email: streetworks@avonline.co.uk www.avonline.networks.co.uk
Phone: 07703 823781 (office hours) or 07703 823781 (24h emergency line)