Victorian Cemetery
Friends Group calling for volunteersSharing on behalf of former Mayor, Margaret Rose, and the Friends of the Victorian Cemetery:
The Friends of the Victorian Cemetery are now in their 8th year, a small mostly retired group of volunteers who aim to help conserve and enhance this beautiful cemetery for the benefit of the local community and visitors alike.
We are very keen to increase the diversity of the cemetery so over the years have planted over 5000, bulbs bluebells, fritillaries and crocuses, rattle seed to help increase wildflower growth and plan to plant a tribute to the late Queen this Autumn.
Being a member of The Friends of the Victorian Cemetery, has given us the opportunity to meet new people, encourage friendships, exercise and be outside in a serene and peaceful environment.
Our official group meet on the 2nd Monday in the month, 10am till noon but a small group also meet most Friday mornings where we help maintain the cemetery, keeping rampart thugs such as brambles nettles under control which exposes graves and headstones.
If you think you could spare time to join us and join a group that offers both companionship and an opportunity to help care for a beautiful, wild and historic location, please contact:
Margaret Rose : margaretrrose@hotmail.co.uk
Download a leaflet here257.33 KB
More info at https://www.marlborough-tc.gov.uk/the-victorian-cemetery andhttp://www.marlboroughinbloom.org.uk/projects/38-the-victorian-cemetery