January 2016
Happy New Year to you all!
Well what a wet season we have had. Daffodils out before the snowdrops, what is happening? We sympathise with towns and villages in the north which have been so badly flooded. A lot of thought will be needed to try to safeguard these places if this weather pattern is going to be the norm.
Wednesday 6th January - I had a meeting with Churches Together to discuss the merits of a Civic Service, a service which is held in most towns to welcome and introduce the new Mayor into the community. At present, here in Marlborough, we visit all of our churches in rotation.
Thursday 7th January - The Gazette & Herald celebrated 200 years of publication in Devizes Town Hall. Our own Nigel Kerton, who was a reporter for many years, told a tale about how the bus to Swindon would pick up his written reports and when it arrived in Swindon the bus would be stopped and those reports collected, ready to go to press.
Wednesday 13th January - A visit to Lydiard Park and the AGM of the NSPCC which was celebrating 30 years of the organisation in Swindon. The guest speaker, Jon Cameron, OBE, spoke very movingly about the organisation's work to combat child abuse, the work of ChildLine counsellors and the dangers of the internet. The main concerns for referrals were neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse. This is a charity which deserves all our support.
Friday 15th January - Time for the Penguins Annual Presentation, an event which is always so well supported by parents. It was with great pleasure that I presented trophies to some very accomplished young swimmers. Enormous credit goes to all who support this successful club which has about 400 young members.
Tuesday 19th January - A visit with Cllr. Barrett-Morton and the Town Clerk to Chippenham to discuss the issue of public conveniences with Wiltshire Council, and also whether the Town Council may be able to take on the toilets at George Lane - that's the building and the service provision. This decision will need careful thought from the Council.