Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Message from your Mayor - June 2014

mayorWith the planning and the pomp of Mayor Making over, it’s now time to get down to the job of being the Mayor of Marlborough.

In my first two weeks of office, I have chaired a Full Town Council meeting and attended several other committees and working parties.  I also chaired a Common Users Group meeting held at the Golf Club. This is a group of people who use The Common for a variety of reasons - football, rugby, golf, flying model planes, walking the dog and those who just enjoy the Common and take a real interest in its future. In turn, the thoughts of the group are passed on to the Town Council helping to influence decision-making. Anyone interested is welcome to come along and to put ideas forward, simply contact the Council office for details.

This year Marlborough has entered the Small Town category of the RHS regional South West in Bloom competition.   A small committee of determined people is planning and plotting to put Marlborough on the map. Doing well in this competition is bound to have a knock-on effect on the local economy and tourism. We are appealing to any interested person who can help in any way to join us.  

So, this week you will have seen me, pile of letters in hand visiting every single retailer in the High Street and talking to each owner or manager of these premises to prevail on them to put a hanging basket or trough of flowers outside their premises. I am pleased to report a huge amount of good will and many promises to provide some sort of floral display for judging day on 8th July.

On Friday, I laid a wreath at our War Memorial to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.  We were hugely privileged to have three local D-Day veterans with us.  We owe so much to these brave, gallant yet modest men who only tell us that they were just doing their duty. Without their service to our country, our lives today would be so different. Thank you to them all.

What will the next two weeks hold.....................

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