Regulation 14 Consultation Introduction
You can read a redacted, text only extract of the responses1.24 MB received from members of the public and interest groups here. Note some responses are duplicated if we received them in more than one format. For more documents, click here
18 January to 8 March 2021
Marlborough with Manton, Mildenhall and Savernake
Click here to read a press release issued 22 February 2021We Need Your Views
Thank you to all those who let us have their views in response to previous informal consultations about land use in Marlborough, Manton, Mildenhall and Savernake. All of those comments were taken into consideration to formulate the draft Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan and we are now in the first formal consultation stage where we are asking you to comment on it. This is known as Regulation 14 in the legal process.
As a reminder, our Neighbourhood Plan is a planning document with legal status and will be used as part of the planning application process for new developments or changes to existing buildings. It also provides a good reference document when considering other community matters. It aims to meet the needs of our community arising from public consultations and surveys:
- Affordable housing for those, of all ages, who cannot afford open market housing
- Community infrastructure: parking spaces, medical centre, cemetery capacity, sports facilities
- Protection of our natural environment
- Landscapes in the surrounding area
- Open spaces within our communities
- Protection of our heritage: listed buildings, historical sites, buildings of special interest
- Protection against speculative and unwanted developments
It covers the years up to 2036
The Plan has been produced over the last four years by a Steering Group of local councillors, community representatives and residents with support from consultations - ONeillHomer, Cobweb Consulting and People & Places.
Sometimes different community needs can be conflicting, such as the wish for more affordable housing, but a desire to keep our green spaces. In the Plan, using firm evidence, we have tried to retain the right balance to give the best overall outcome for everyone.
Statutory consultees are being contacted and we need our communities' views too.
Wiltshire Council's consultation on its Local Plan is running too. This is a different, more strategic document, but will be influenced by our Neighbourhood Plan and this consultation.
This consultation runs from 18 January to 8 March
If you were unable to attend the online meetings you can view the presentation here
Notes from the meeting held 27 January are here
Notes from the meeting held 24 February are here
Chair of the Steering Group, Councillor Mervyn Hall, explains the content of the plan and the consultation, in this video
What Happens after thE Regulation 14 Consultation?
Following this first formal public consultation, the Plan will be reviewed and passed with its supporting documents to Wiltshire Council to be checked against legislation (this part of the legal process is Regulation 15). Responsibility then rests with Wiltshire Council which will undertake a further formal consultation (known as Regulation 16) before the Plan is subject to formal examination by an Independent Examiner. Following any amendments, the Plan will go to a local referendum later in the year when COVID regulations allow. With a majority yes vote, the Neighbourhood Plan is 'made' and becomes part of the statutory development plan for our area.
If you would like a hard copy of the Plan (or accessible versions of any of the body of evidence documents) or would like to comment by letter or need more information, please get in touch via the Town Clerk at Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan (MANP) c/o Marlborough Town Council, 5 High Street, Marlborough SN8 1AA or email or call 01672 512487 or 07593 584099
Click here to open the plan and supporting documents