Doctors Surgery
Q: What is the plan doing about additional GP surgery capacity?
Local feedback said that expanding the surgery was high priority.
The provision of GP services is the responsibility of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the area and of the surgery itself.
The Steering Group held meetings with representatives from the surgery as far back as 2016 about the need to expand the surgery. In its call for sites, where landowners were asked whether they had land available for housing or other community facilities, the Steering Group included land for a surgery.
When the George Lane Police Station building became available, members of the Steering Group along with those of the Town Council arranged for meetings with the Police & Crime Commissioner, CCG and surgery to review the site. Unfortunately, the CCG rejected the site, which is now going on the open market.
Another possible site has been identified, and the Steering Group continues to support the CCG and surgery in fulfilling their obligations to provide sufficient health provision for the area.