Calendar of meetings 2024-25 and committee structure

On this page you'll find the dates for all Town Council and Committee meetings and relevant papers.
Meetings are held in the Town Hall starting at 7pm. See individual agendas for details.
Members of the public and press are welcome at all our meetings. Each meeting starts with public question time when any resident can ask a question of the Town Council or Committee - your question can be on any topic and isn't restricted to the agenda items, and there's no need to stay for the whole meeting if you don't want to. To find out more about attending a meeting and asking a question click here.
In the interests of openness and transparency meetings may also be recorded (audio, video or photographs) - see our policy here. If you do not wish to be photographed or recorded please make your wishes known to the Town Clerk just before the meeting starts.
Scroll down for all our meeting dates for the municipal year 2024-25 where you can also read agendas and minutes of the meetings.
You can also download the meeting dates as a simple list here:
list for municipal year 2024-25 is here
Skip to: Description of Committee Structure and Procedure at Council meetings and look up meeting dates and papers for Planning Committee | Amenities & Open Spaces Committee | Finance & Policy Committee | Property Committee
Full Town Council Meetings 7-9pm

Monday 13 May 2024 – Annual Town Council & Mayor Making Agenda | Minutes
Tuesday 28 May Agenda | Minutes
Monday 24 June Agenda | Minutes
Monday 2 September Agenda | Minutes
Monday 4 November Agenda | Minutes
Monday 9 December Agenda | Minutes
Monday 20 January 2025 Agenda | Draft Minutes
Monday 24 March
Monday 28 April - Annual Town Meeting
Monday 12 May - Annual Town Council & Mayor Making
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Planning Meetings 7-9pm

Monday 20 May 2024 Agenda | Minutes
Monday 10 June Agenda | Minutes
Monday 15 July Agenda | Minutes
Monday 29 July Agenda | Minutes
Monday 19 August Agenda | Minutes
Monday 9 September Agenda | Minutes
Monday 30 September Agenda | Minutes
Monday 21 October Agenda | Minutes
Monday 11 November Agenda | Minutes
Monday 2 December Agenda | Minutes
Monday 6 January 2025 Agenda | Minutes
Monday 3 February Agenda | Draft Minutes
Monday 24 February
Monday 17 March
Monday 14 April
Tuesday 6 May
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Finance & Policy Meetings 7-9pm

Monday 8 July 2024 Agenda | Minutes
Monday 28 October Agenda | Minutes
Monday 25 November Agenda | Minutes
Monday 27 January 2025 Agenda | Draft minutes
Tuesday 22 April
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Amenities & Open Spaces MEETINGS 7-9pm

Monday 17 June 2024 Agenda | Minutes
Monday 15 July (extraordinary meeting) Agenda | Minutes
Monday 14 October Agenda | Minutes
Monday 13 January 2025 Agenda | Draft Minutes
Monday 31 March
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Property MEETINGS 7-9pm

Monday 22 July 2024 Agenda | Minutes
Tuesday 22 October Agenda | Draft Minutes
Monday 17 February 2025
Monday 7 April
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Meeting papers for previous years can be found here. Older minutes (going back to 1988) are available on request.
For the municipal year 2024-25 the Town Mayor is Councillor Kym-Marie Cleasby and the Deputy Town Mayor is Councillor Emily Trow.
Procedure at Council meetings
The meetings of the Marlborough Town Council and its Committees are open to the public and the press, however there are certain restrictions on allowing members of the public to speak.
Council meetings are not public meetings (i.e. they are meetings and discussions of the Council members only), and therefore members of the public do not have an automatic right to speak without the consent of the Chair. If the Chair feels that a member of the public's contribution will aid the Committee's decision making, they may suspend Standing Orders (the regulations to which all meetings must conform) to allow that member to speak; this is however quite rare and should not be relied upon.
During Full Town Council and Committee meetings there is an opportunity for members of the public to ask the Council questions in public question time. If the Chair or Councillors are unable to give an answer immediately to the question posed, they may give a written reply when it is possible.
Every April the Mayor calls an Annual Parish meeting, which is public meeting, and when members of the electorate may question the Mayor, Clerk and Chair of the Town Council Committees.
Committee Responsibilities and Memberships
Click or tap any heading to read more about each Committee:
Full Town Council
Full Town Council comprises all elected Councillors - there are 16 seats in total. It meets approximately every six weeks and is chaired by the Town Mayor. The Financial and Proper Officer is the Town Clerk.
Full Town Council makes the most important decisions such as setting the precept (local council tax) and policies, electing Members to Committees and agreeing major projects. Committees have delegated authority from Full Town Council to make decisions in certain areas.
In addition, from time to time it may appoint members to working parties to focus on specific tasks or projects, for example to oversee civic functions or events.
Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership.
Full Council meetings are usually held in the Court Room at the Town Hall.Standing Orders govern how the Council operates - click here to access this and other documents that set out all our policies and regulations.
Amenities and Open Spaces Committee
The Amenities and Open Spaces Committee makes recommendations to Full Council on matters relating to amenities and open spaces under the Town Council's upkeep such as play areas, Marlborough Cemetery, The Common, parks, gardens and sports grounds. Our open spaces are listed here.
The Committee also administers the allotments and considers applications for memorial benches or trees, and from travelling circuses, fairs or festivals to use the town's open spaces. From time to time it also has to deal with unpleasant problems such as litter, dog fouling, broken street furniture, antisocial behaviour and vandalism.
Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership. The Town Mayor sits on all Committees.
Meetings are scheduled 4-5 times a year and are held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall.
Finance and Policy Committee
The Finance & Policy Committee is responsible for the management of the Council's finances and setting of its policies.
Like other town and parish councils, Marlborough does not receive any revenue support from Central Government or from business through non-domestic rates. It is funded by income (e.g. from hiring the Town Hall and property rental) and the local Council Tax.
Each year, Marlborough Town Council agrees its budget for the forthcoming year and sets the precept. This is to cover any shortfall in the budget the Council needs for the next financial year and is based on planned income (funds from investments, rental income etc) and expenditure (capital projects, running day to day services etc). The difference is the amount it needs to raise from local taxpayers - the precept. Wiltshire Council collects this on behalf of the Town Council (it usually represents about 10% of the overall tax bill) and it is paid to the Town Council in two instalments during the financial year.The Town Council tries to ensure that the tax burden on local people is reduced by seeking external funding for projects where it can.
Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership. The Town Mayor sits on all Committees.
Finance and Policy Committee meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall and take place 5 times per year to coincide with quarterly and annual budget cycles.
Planning Committee
As well as Full Council, each elected Member of the Town Council also sits on the Planning Committee although the Mayor is ex-officio, meaning they do not have a vote at this Committee.
The Planning Committee is a consultee for all planning applications relating to the Parish of Marlborough, which includes Manton.
The Committee considers each application and adds its comments to the Local Planning Authority (Wiltshire Council) Planning Register. Wiltshire Council makes the final decision to authorise or refuse planning consent. Members of the public can also submit comments to the Planning Register. For more details about the planning process go to the Local Planning Authority website.
Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan: In 23 March 2023, nine years of dedicated hard work by volunteer members of the community were rewarded by a resounding vote YES to the question: "Do you want Wiltshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Marlborough to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?". Put simply, this means that residents agree that the policies about land use within the Plan, concerning housing development and the need for more affordable homes, lack of parking space, protection of green spaces, protection of buildings used as community assets, building design, history and heritage will add significant weight when planning applications or development proposals are considered by Planning Officers – planning power at the most local level, focusing on the things that are important to those who live and work in the area.
Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership.
Planning Committee meetings are usually held in the Court Room at the Town Hall and take place approximately every three weeks.
Property Committee
The Property Committee looks after the maintenance, improvements to and running of the Town Hall, Town Council Offices, Marlborough Community and Youth Centre, public toilets and various commercial and residential properties.Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership. The Town Mayor sits on all Committees.
Property Committee meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall and are scheduled 4 times a year.
Staffing Committee
The Staffing Committee deals with staffing issues such as recruitment and meets as required.
Click here to see a list of all elected Town Councillors and their committee membership. The Town Mayor sits on all Committees.
Staffing Committee meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall.
Working Parties
As business demands it, there may be issues that require further focus or expertise and Full Council or one of its committees may establish working parties. These can include Councillors, experts, advisers and members of the public. They are set up in an advisory capacity only and can make recommendations to Full Council or Committees but cannot take decisions on behalf of the Council or spend Council finances.
Examples of past working parties include those set up specifically to help plan the street parties for Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee and the Coronation of King Charles III, a Dark Skies Festival and to draft new policies.
Annual Parish/Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is held every year between 1st March -1st June.The Mayor calls an Annual Parish Meeting, which is a public meeting of the local electorate (everyone in the Parish of Marlborough who has a right to vote) who may question the Mayor, Clerk and Chair of the Town Council Committees. Is not a Town Council meeting.
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